Welcome to the RIH SPORT Cycling Club
RIH SPORT Amsterdam has been building custom-made racing bikes since 1921. Over that 100-year span we’ve built somewhere between six to nine thousand racing bikes. Now we are gathering as many of those RIH SPORT racing bikes and their current owners in the RIH SPORT Cycling Clubs. Owners can register their bike’s general information, share a little story about their bike and the adventures they shared, receive special offers and invitations for RIH SPORT events.
Signing up is easy and free of charge. You sign up using the button below, fill out some basic questions about your bike and yourself, add a couple of pictures of your bike and tell a little bit about your history with the bike. Based on the frame number on your bike (at the bottom of your headtube), we will try to find more information about the year your bike was built and its first owner. Unfortunately our archive is limited to the period of 1956 to 1983 and the most recent bikes. With your help, we are looking to create a more complete overview of the building years and other historic facts.
It is our goal to sign up as many RIH SPORT bikes and cyclists. If you know of any other RIH SPORT owners, please ask them to join as well.

RIH SPORT events